Friday, December 20, 2019

El traje del emperador

The Emperor’s New Clothes*
By Martha Daza
From the beginnings of early literature, we learned the value of the truth faced against the weight of vanity and narcissism...
From the dishonest tailors, that offered the emperor the production of the most amazing outfit, that would measure the intelligence and loyalty of those around him, it would be sewn with precious stones which could only be seen by the clean and intelligent eyes of the inhabitants in his reign and those serving the court.
They measured and began the extensive labor, making his highness raise his arms, bend his legs, giving their mockery full force, because evidently, there was no thread or material. Once finished, the emperor would parade in his town, showing off this marvelous attire. The hypocrites that were invited, could not get past their awe and amazement looking at such an illustrious outfit, making audible commentary about the magnificence of the cloth, the cut, the elegance and the way the emperor wore it.
The streets were full with the entire town, with their mouths open and unable to utter a word. Everything went well and according to plan by the thieves. Until a child in the midst of the crowd, let out a scream and provoked unanimous laughter, " the emperor is naked!"
and the emperor remains naked, in front of this mediocre court, who is terrified of pointing out the lie, because they are now complicit and participants of this great lie. They pretend they have no misery, nor does the emperor, praising him and trying to block the sunlight with their small fingers, so as not to manifest the huge scam, while the man conceits exhibiting himself in front of the world that watches in disbelief.
We can hear loudly the voices denouncing the magnitude of the corruption of those who take advantage of the narcissism of one simpleton who still believes that he is wearing the emperor's suit.
Martha Daza
* Hans Christian Andersen’s short stories
El traje del emperador, desde el escritorio de Martha Daza, basado en el cuento de Hans Christian Anderson.
Desde la literatura infantil aprendimos el valor de la verdad enfrentada al peso de la vanidad y el narcisismo..
Unos sastres estafadores, ofrecieron al emperador fabricarle el maravilloso vestido que mediría la inteligencia y lealtad de quienes lo rodeaban. Sería tejido con hilos de oro y preciosas piedras que solo podrían observar los ojos limpios e inteligentes de los habitantes del reino y los servidores de la corte.
Tomaron medidas y comenzaron la elaboración haciendo girar al mandatario, subir los brazos y doblar las piernas al antojo de los costureros que se dieron gusto en la burla porque evidentemente, no existían los hilos ni la tela. Terminado el trabajo, el emperador desfilaría ante su pueblo luciendo la magnífica obra. Los hipócritas invitados decían no salir de su asombro ante tan ostentoso traje, haciendo comentarios acerca de la magnificencia de la tela, del corte, la elegancia y el porte del emperador.
Ya en las calles el pueblo entero abría la boca sin atreverse a pronunciar palabra. Todo marchaba acorde a los planes de los pillos hasta que un niño en medio de la multitud, lanzó el grito que provocó la risa general:
–¡El emperador está desnudo!
Y el emperador sigue desnudo frente a su corte de mediocres que no se atreven a señalar el engaño porque ya se hicieron participes y cómplices de la gran mentira. Disimulan sus propias miserias y las del mandatario, alabándolo y tratando de tapar el sol con los dedos para que la luz no ponga de manifiesto el engaño, mientras el hombre se vanagloria exhibiéndose frente al mundo que lo contempla atónito.
Ya suenan a lo lejos los gritos que denuncian la magnitud de la corrupción de aquellos que se aprovechan del narcisismo de un pobre hombre que sigue creyendo que porta a cuestas o viste, el traje del emperador.
Martha Daza

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